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Accredited Installer while Accredited Solar Company

If you are looking to purchase solar panels for your home, we have a range of information, guides and FAQs, as well as Clean Energy Council Accredited Installer Account to help you through the process.
Accredited with the Clean Energy Council means your solar PV installations will be eligible for government rebates such as Small-scale Technology Certificates and feed-in tariffs.


  • Not all of the Solar Companies are Accredited Installer as we are, while they are Accredited Retailer which allows them to deal with Electricians in order to make them legally sound.
  • You would be covered with any already happening expectations after installation with us, because We are

[/mgt_promo_block_wp][vc_raw_html]JTVCd29uZGVycGx1Z2luX3NsaWRlciUyMGlkJTNEOCU1RA==[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text]The good news is that with Quality Solar Sydney this is how we organized:


    1. 1) The business director is Holding the NSW fair trading Contractor License
    1. 2) The Installer Electrician is the Clean Energy Council Solar license
    1. 3) The Installers are fully trained
    1. 4) The Designer updates date latest solar data location to mach with the best Quality Panels and Inverter to deliver the ultimate efficient energy generator system from your roof.


You are dealing with our reliability, insurance and expertise!

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  • Are they a Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailer?
  • Will they be available to troubleshoot and fix problems?
  • If something goes wrong, who is responsible for repair or replacement costs?
  • What performance guarantees do you get for the system as a whole, and can you get that information in writing?
  • Do they provide some kind of optional service agreement?
  • Who organizes all the necessary metering changes and what are the associated costs?
  • If problems arise with your system, what services will they provide and for how long?
  • What workmanship and product guarantees do they offer?
  • Who is responsible for the warranties?
  • What happens to the warranties if they go out of business?
  • How long has the product manufacturer or importer been in the PV industry?
  • If you have to deal with the panel or inverter manufacturer or importer in the future, do they have an Australian office?

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mgt_header_block_wp title=”EXPECTATION TO HAVE YOUR SOLAR COMPANY AFTER INSTALLATION” header_font_size=”h4″ texttransform=”none” css=”.vc_custom_1530767076509{margin-top: 0px !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]WARRANTIES


If you have an issue with any solar product while it’s under warranty, you should first contact your solar Installer in order to have the product replaced or repaired. If you are unable to contact your Installer, contact the importer or manufacturer. Contact details should be provided on the warranty documentation. If this is unsuccessful, you can lodge a complaint with the relevant Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs office in your state or territory. They can negotiate on your behalf and arrange mediation where necessary.



If you need to make a complaint against a company identifying itself as a Clean Energy Council Approved Retailer, you should first contact the company directly. If you are not satisfied with the response from the company, you should contact your relevant consumer protection organization. You can also register your complaint with the Clean Energy Council, which will investigate breaches of the code. This may result in the retailer having its approval revoked. For more information on dealing with complaints about Clean Energy Council Approved Retailers, please visit approvedsolarretailer.com.au
